Relationship Quiz: Should We Stay Married?

Welcome to the “Should We Stay Married?” quiz. Marriage is a journey that requires constant effort, communication, and understanding from both partners. This quiz is designed to help you assess the health of your relationship based on aspects like active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution. Answer each question honestly and openly, considering your current situation and feelings. At the end of the quiz, you will receive a score and interpretation to determine whether you and your partner should continue working on your marriage or if it might be time to consider other options.

1.Do you and your partner actively set aside time to talk and listen to each other without distractions?

a) Yes, regularly.

b) Sometimes, but not as often as we should.

c) Rarely or never.

2.How often do you express appreciation or gratitude towards your partner?

a) Daily.

b) Occasionally.

c) Rarely or never.

3.During conflicts, do both of you strive to understand each other’s perspectives before seeking a resolution?

a) Always.

b) Sometimes, we try to do this.

c) Rarely or never.

4.How well do you handle disagreements?

a) We calmly discuss our differences and find solutions.

b) We often end up arguing but eventually find a resolution.

c) We tend to escalate conflicts and struggle to find common ground.

5.When one of you is going through a tough time, does the other offer support and empathy?

a) Yes, always.

b) Sometimes, depending on the situation.

c) Rarely or never.

6.How often do you engage in activities together that both of you enjoy?

a) Regularly, we make time for shared hobbies and interests.

b) Occasionally, but it could be more frequent.

c) Rarely or never.

7.Do you and your partner make important decisions together as a team?

a) Yes, we always consider each other’s opinions.

b) Sometimes, but not consistently.

c) No, we often make decisions separately.

8.How comfortable do you feel discussing your fears, insecurities, and vulnerabilities with your partner?

a) Completely comfortable, we share everything.

b) Somewhat comfortable, but there are some topics we avoid.

c) Not comfortable, we rarely open up to each other.

9.How do you handle apologies and forgive each other after a mistake or disagreement?

a) We sincerely apologize and forgive each other easily.

b) It takes time, but we eventually forgive.

c) Apologies are rare, and forgiveness is difficult.

10.How often do you surprise each other with gestures or acts of kindness?

a) Frequently, we enjoy making each other happy.

b) Occasionally, but it could be more often.

c) Rarely, if ever.

11.Are you satisfied with the level of intimacy and emotional connection in your marriage?

a) Yes, we feel deeply connected.

b) It’s okay, but we could improve.

c) No, we feel distant and disconnected.

12.How do you handle external stressors, such as work pressure or financial difficulties, together?

a) We support each other and face them as a team.

b) We try to support each other, but it’s not always effective.

c) We tend to blame each other or deal with stress individually.

13.How often do you engage in active problem-solving discussions about your marriage?

a) Regularly, we discuss issues and work on solutions.

b) Sometimes, but it could be more frequent.

c) Rarely, we avoid discussing problems.

14.Do you both feel respected and valued in the relationship?

a) Yes, we both feel valued and respected.

b) Sometimes, but not always.

c) No, we often feel disregarded or unimportant.

15.How often do you laugh and have fun together?

a) Regularly, we enjoy each other’s company.

b) Occasionally, but it could be more frequent.

c) Rarely, laughter is scarce in our relationship.

16.How well do you know each other’s hopes, dreams, and aspirations?

a) We know each other’s goals and actively support them.

b) We have an idea, but we could learn more about each other’s dreams.

c) We’re not familiar with each other’s aspirations.

17.How do you handle changes and challenges in your relationship?

a) We face them together and adapt as a couple.

b) We try to deal with them, but it’s not always smooth.

c) We often ignore or avoid addressing them.

18.Are you comfortable discussing your sexual needs and desires with your partner?

a) Yes, we openly communicate about our intimacy.

b) Sometimes, but there’s room for improvement.

c) No, it’s challenging to talk about sexual matters.

19.How do you express love and affection towards each other?

a) We regularly show love and affection through words and actions.

b) Sometimes, but we could do more to express love.

c) We rarely express affection towards each other.

20.How committed are you to working on your marriage and making it thrive?

a) Fully committed, we prioritize our marriage.

b) Somewhat committed, but there are distractions.

c) Not very committed, we have doubts about the future.

Answers: Please calculate your total score based on the following scale:

  • a) – 3 points
  • b) – 2 points
  • c) – 1 point

Once you’ve calculated your score, refer to the scoring range to determine the state of your marriage. Good luck!

Scoring Range:

  • 0 to 40: Your marriage needs immediate attention. There are significant issues that require open communication and professional support to salvage the relationship.
  • 41 to 80: There are some areas of concern in your marriage that need addressing. Consider seeking couples’ counseling to improve communication and understanding.
  • 81 to 100: Congratulations! Your marriage seems to be on solid ground. Keep nurturing your connection and communication to make it even stronger.

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